Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

performing palpation

You should be familiar with four palpation techniques: light palpation, deep palpation, light ballottement, and deep ballottement.
Light palpation
With the tips of two or three fingers held close together, press gently on the skin to a depth of ½″ to ¾″ (1 to 2 cm). Use the lightest touch possible; too much pressure blunts your sensitivity.

Light ballottement
Apply light, rapid pressure to the abdomen, moving from one quadrant to another. Keep your hand on the skin surface to detect tissue rebound.

Deep palpation (bimanual palpation)
Place one hand on top of the other. Then press down about 1½″ to 2″ (4 to 5 cm) with the fingertips of both hands.

Deep ballottement
Apply abrupt, deep pressure on the patient's abdomen. Release the pressure completely, but maintain fingertip contact with the skin.

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